So she decided to come my place to bake together...
We went to Yumi Bakery Supply, located in Danau Kota, to buy ingredient...
It was a premix powder...
Simplest method to bake...
First of all,we crushed the digestive biscuit into small pieces...

Then add in the butter...

After that, put it on the mold and stressed/compact it.
Make sure it won't loose so that when you cut the cake it won't came off from the cake layer...

Then put in the freezer for at least 5mins...
In the mean time start mixing the batter...
For the batter portion, just add in the 500g premix flour, 300g cold water(from freeze) and 200ml whipping cream.
Beat it all together...

Beat until evenly and turns white...

Then it is poured into the mold with the hardened crushed crackers...

Next add the blueberry topping and decorate nicely on it...

See ChiaNing is so concentrate on decorating the cake...

This is the one I made for my roomate...

And this is the one ChiaNing made...With her initial,N...
Freeze it for at least 3 hours...
Serve it cool...
The next morning we tried the cake and also gave some of our friends for trying...
Everyone praised...
It's really really delicious...
It's not too sweet and not too sour...
I'll give another try next time...
Time:Within 1.5hours
Can be served after 3-4hours...
Great deal... =)
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