Monday, April 12, 2010

Bei pre-birthday

Last Saturday, after class bei came to Setapak to find me...
Cause we really have nothing to do...
Since that afternoon weather is good...
We went to swimming...
Long time din swim d... ^.^
After swimming, we prepared ourselves and off to Naili's Place...
Went there to have pre-birthday celebration of bei and also his friend's birthday...
Total of 23 of us ba...
Big crowd...
So wanted to have all photos...
But ChenLiang, bei's friend use DSLR took pictures but recently he's not free so have to wait maybe months after this only can get those photos...=(
Can't wait...

This week I'll have my last 2 test for this semester...
I have to survive and strive hard for this 2 test!
I can do it!
Jia you!!

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